Class JSOptionPane

  • public class JSOptionPane
    extends java.lang.Object
    The javax.swing.JOptionPane clone
    • Method Detail

      • showMessageDialog

        public static void showMessageDialog​(java.lang.Object message,
                                             java.lang.String title,
                                             int messageType,
                                             simulation.js.$Apply_0_Void response)
        Shows a message dialog, this method does not stop the code flow
        message - The message
        title - The title
        messageType - The message type
        response - The function to call on close
      • showConfirmDialog

        public static void showConfirmDialog​(java.lang.Object message,
                                             java.lang.String title,
                                             int optionType,
                                             int messageType,
                                             simulation.js.$Apply_1_Void<java.lang.Integer> response)
        Shows a confirm dialog, this method does not stop the code flow
        message - The message
        title - The title
        optionType - The option type
        messageType - The message type
        response - The function to call on close
      • showInputDialog

        public static void showInputDialog​(JSComponent component,
                                           java.lang.String title,
                                           simulation.js.$Apply_1_Void<ChangeListener> addChangeListener,
                                           simulation.js.$Apply_0_T<java.lang.Boolean> isValid,
                                           simulation.js.$Apply_1_Void<java.lang.Integer> response)
        Shows an input dialog, this method does not stop the code flow
        component - The component containing the input to select
        title - The title
        addChangeListener - The function to call to add a change listener to the component
        isValid - The function to call when the component's value changes to verify if the selected value is valid
        response - The function to call on close